This last week-end was water, water, water. We kept the slab flooded till Sunday evening and boy did it cure nicely; with no cracks(as of yet).Gary Hames (the concrete colors agent manufacturer) brought by several samples for us to test on the solar slab
Monday Rusty & crew set the inside forms for the storm room and then after they had left, in the cool of the evening (87 degrees) Pam stuff the utility boxes with paper and duct taped their exterior; then I attached them to the forms(42" off the floor for easy access). In this way the outlets and switch will be inset and flush with the finished walls.Talked to Gary Bray(HVAC contractor) about the duct box for the storm room. He said he'd have it ready for me and would bring it out tomorrow.
Tuesday as two of our watch dogs (Lady and Fawn) ,set and watched Rusty & crew tied the #5 rebar all around the formed-up inner forms on 12' centers and started setting the outer forms.
We're slated to pour about noon tomorrow.