A House For All Seasons And Reasons

September 22, 2003

AUGUST 13, 1951 TO SEPTEMBER 13, 2003


Buddy was one of the finest men that I have ever known, but this isn't news to anybody. Anyone who's ever met Buddy could tell with in the first ten seconds of meeting him what kind of a man he was. Or more importantly, what kind of man he wasn't. He wasn't like anything I had ever known. He wasn't assuming; he wasn't judgmental; he wasn't ego-driven or violent. He was an absolute delight, a human sunset and sunrise all in one. He had an appreciation for everything that life had to offer. And his zest for life was only matched by his tenacity and patience, and his ability to love, as well as to dream. Whenever I was around Buddy I could not help but to feel loved. And whenever I shared my dreams with him he always helped to reinstall in me just how attainable they were, no matter how outlandish they may have seemed. And I will forever remember him and thank him for that. As Momma Oliver says we got him for an extra 30 more years than we were supposed to, and I can't help but think how blessed we are for that. Every Sunday I would call and catch up with buddy and my Mom and I would ask him, "How you doing Buddy?" and he'd say, "I'm keeping a good attitude about things." And he truly was. And in this time of our sorrow I know that Buddy would want us to follow his example - let's keep a good attitude about things. When we feel overwhelmed by the waves of sadness, just remember the immense love and joy that proceeded it. And how fortunate we are for having experienced him. (By Tyson Heder)

Posted by Pamela at 08:19 PM | Comments (2)
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