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My mom returned to Texas from her New York blackout experience to find her husband changed. They got married when Steve and I did, six years ago this October, and we had never known him to be anything but a loving and gentle man. I was so happy that my mom was starting a new life with him.

Suddenly he was not himself, in a variety of disturbing and disruptive ways. Early one morning the police had to be summoned and Buddy was hospitalized. Buddy was bi-polar, but stopped taking his meds a few years ago.

My mom spent three long weeks hoping that the hospital would be able to stabilize him on meds and that she might have her husband back. They were in the midst of building a house that they had been planning and dreaming about for several years. He had recently retired and planned to start a nursery that sold plants native to Texas. My mom wanted to retire and raise alpacas. They had a lot of wonderful plans.

This past week, Buddy was released from the hospital and my brother drove to their house from LA to be with them and help out. We were a little worried for her safety, she lives way out in the middle of nowhere. Buddy came home, but was so heavily medicated his body would twitch and he slept a lot.

When I spoke to him, he said, "Did you know that they still give people electroshock therapy?"

I was dismayed, "Did they shock you?"

"No" he said, "they only give it to people who are depressed. It's amazing how many people are depressed."

Last night, too late for a normal phone call, my brother called: "It's awful, Buddy's dead."

He was out on the four-wheeler, and was found where he hit a tree by his former father-in-law, who owns much of the land around there. They were friends.

He may have just had an accident, or he may have had a heart attack. We are off to Texas tomorrow. Please send my mom loving thoughts or prayers if you do that sort of thing. Her world has been turned upsidedown.


Oh God, Christy, that's awful! I'll be thinking of you and your mom and your whole family. My life is filled with bipolar people - including an aunt who was hospitalized last week for the umpteenth time. She had stopped taking her meds a couple of months ago, as she does frequently, and it always results in her losing control eventually. I'm so sorry to hear about Buddy.

Sun 09/14/2003 6:52PM e-mail home page

I'm so sorry for your loss, Christy. My love to you and your family. -Maia

Sun 09/14/2003 7:53PM e-mail home page

Your whole fmaily is in my prayers Christy. I'm so sorry. Make sure to take some time to take care of your pregnant mama self too, ok?

Sun 09/14/2003 7:58PM e-mail home page

Christy: I'm one of your Mom's best friends from her days working at Wal-Mart. I am glad that you are going to be with her and comfort her. I hope to come visit her on my way back from Texas in a couple of weeks. Give her lots of hugs for me.

Sun 09/14/2003 11:19PM e-mail home page

omm, i dont know what to say. Im thinking of you all!

Mon 09/15/2003 2:30AM e-mail home page

Christy, I love you and am thinking about you guys. Please send your mom my love.Sian

Mon 09/15/2003 7:50PM e-mail home page

I'm so so sorry.

Tue 09/16/2003 3:09AM e-mail home page

Oh Christy, I'm so sorry. You and your mom are in my thoughts.

Tue 09/16/2003 3:09AM e-mail home page

My heart goes out to you and your family. You are in my thoughts.

Tue 09/16/2003 2:36PM e-mail home page

Christy.My name is Eva McGaughey, I am Buddy's first cousin. His dad and my mom are brother and sister. Mom's maden name was Mamie Oliver. Mom is now in a nursing home. I miss Uncle Howard he was one of my favorite Uncles. He never missed one of my graduations from schools. He always came over to wish mom happy birthday. Buddy was 4 years older than I. He was always a neat, nice guy from when I knew him growing up. Sometimes he seemed a little serious. God, be with you and the family. Sincerely,Eva Stubbs McGaughey

Tue 09/16/2003 9:56PM e-mail home page

christy,my thoughts are with you and your family. i can't imagine how difficult a time this must be for you all.with love...

Thu 09/18/2003 5:40PM e-mail home page

Christy,I'm so sorry. I saw this late or I'd have commented sooner.My thoughts are with you and your mom and your family.Love.

Lisa B-K
Thu 09/18/2003 11:48PM e-mail home page

I am so sorry this happened.Sending you and your mother and family loving and healing thoughts.

Fri 09/19/2003 2:55PM e-mail home page

condolences and love and .. ..

cousin liz
Sun 09/21/2003 1:43PM e-mail home page

Christy, I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences, and I will be lighting candles for all of you this evening. Blessings ~

Wed 09/24/2003 10:58PM e-mail home page