Well we did it, and let me tell you, it was so sad driving away from the barn. It had a lot of faults, but the whole thing was really a wonderful experience. Aidan still doesn't get it. Grandma whisked him away, so he didn't see the final emptiness (and cleanliness). He saw that I brought a mylar balloon of his and he said, "Mama, why did you bring that here?" I sat him on my lap and tried to explain, his face got all twisted up like he was going to cry and then he moved onto something else. We've had several episodes like this. Grandma got him marshmallows at the grocery store and he wants to take them back to Larry's barn - we've had fires there the past three nights. Plus, I think that Larry did something stupid like tell him he can come visit any time he wants. You can't say stuff like that to a three year old - they think you're for real.
I think that this would be a lot less confusing if we knew where we were going after here and he could think about that. Geez, we were telling him for months that we were buying that house in Hillsdale and he'd have his own room. Now his thing is that he wants us to build a house - a big white house.
It is the most gorgeous time of year right now at the barn - the weather has been perfect and cool. The past two nights we stood outside before we went to bed and listened to the racket coming from the pond, it was amazing - actually hilarious. Silly frogs making jokes all night long.
Roxy didn't magically show up as we were putting the last boxes into the truck. We were kind of hoping for that. Aidan has been talking about her a lot lately, as if she were coming back.
I feel so bad for Wes that we've removed him from dog paradise.
more rainbow pics: 1, 2
A new moon with a lunar eclipse and a beautiful rainbow. It's got to mean something good will follow. Love, Kay
I'm sure wonderful possibilities will follow wherever you go! And I'm sure Wes will just be happy to be with y'all - he'll have fields to run in again soon enough. Hugs. -Shannon
bawaaaah! imso saaaad!!!! email me we want to come visit when your all settled.
A new moon with a lunar eclipse and a beautiful rainbow. It's got to mean something good will follow. Love, Kay
I'm sure wonderful possibilities will follow wherever you go! And I'm sure Wes will just be happy to be with y'all - he'll have fields to run in again soon enough. Hugs. -Shannon
bawaaaah! imso saaaad!!!! email me we want to come visit when your all settled.