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TEXAS: Day 3


We managed to not turn the TV on all until today. Aidan woke up from his nap with a little fever and we read books for a little while, but when he came to me with a Toy Story DVD in hand, I relented. There were 4 straight hours of children's programming on PBS between 5 and 9pm (I couldn't figure out the DVD player). What's up with that? I'm talkin' Teletubbies. Why do little kids need 4 hours of programming at dinner time? Aidan gave up after an hour to my amazement and had some toast and cereal and then we read some more and he went back to sleep.

Here's a weird thing: Tyson got here tonight and I've really been looking forward to him coming because everytime he's seen Aidan since Christmastime, Aidan has been sick. So when Aidan woke up sick today I couldn't believe it. Aidan fell asleep just before Tyson pulled up and has been either asleep or crying to be nursed back to sleep ever since.

It is such a relief to have Tyson here. He got out of the car griping about what a freaky place Texas is and I was just filled with love for him. I don't know how it is that we get along together so well - we are both so different from our parents and still so much like each other. Our sensibilities that is. Not our lifestyles.


You guys are breaking my heart about my home state! It is not like either of you to condemn anything 100% without complete knowledge and evalution. What about the hill country...Fredericksburg...Enchanted Rock...fields of bluebonnets..the Guadalupe River...sunrise in Big Bend Natl. Park or Palo Dura Canyon? Art & music in Austin? The Kimball Museum in Fort Worth? Sorry Aidan is not feeling well. Teletubbies......really. Love, Kay

Tue 09/10/2002 12:19PM e-mail home page

I think we both have enough knowledge of texas to feel a little more than just mildly skeeved by it. Sure, everything has it's upsides, but texas is a really big state. Which means there's plenty of room for the downsides. It's not all bad, hey, it's better than oklahoma. But between the constant raping that the land goes through on a daily basis with the scattered, but ever present oil drills and an automobile emissions policy that would make the captain of the Exxon Valdez blush, it has a ways to go.Hey, it's no california, but what is right? Not everyone can live amoungst the world's richest and poorest people all at the same time. It's a special place. And that was my rant for the evening. Kay we love you no matter where you were born...wait a minute wasn't christy born in texas? She was, so there you have it. And one more thing to be proud of, GWB Jr. is from Conneticut, not texas. So we can't blame it for that.

Wed 09/11/2002 12:31AM e-mail home page

Wahoo, I think the heat is getting to you all!

Thu 09/12/2002 12:33AM e-mail home page