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When I called early intervention


When I called early intervention for Aidan's speech delay a few weeks ago, I swear he wasn't talking. He had a few words, but there wasn't any doubt in my mind that he was talking much much less than other kids his age. Now his evaluation is finally set for tomorrow and he talks non-stop. He repeats the last few words of EVERYTHING we say. For the first time we are thinking that we have to watch our language! He talks on the phone every chance he gets. He says phrases like, "I want this please" and "beans and rice, noodles and cheese". When I ask him what color his hair is he says orange. He sang happy birthday to both grandmothers on the phone - it was all vowels, but the effort was there. He used to not ever make a SOUND. Actually, that's not completely true. He would say "ball" - over and over again.

If it wasn't for the fact that I have had to explain to them repeatedly that we never go to the doctor (because they want his medical records) and that he has always been incredibly healthy, I'd be afraid that they'd think I was a hypochondriac.


What happened with the "intervention"

Thu 04/25/2002 2:54PM e-mail home page

gosh that makes it sound like we're trying to get him into rehab

Thu 04/25/2002 4:15PM e-mail home page

Well, if he is having speech problems, then it is rehab he needs. That is what Tyson went through when he started school. Maybe that is what is wrong with Tyson! HAAAA! - Love you TysonMom

Thu 04/25/2002 4:20PM e-mail home page

And you thought that getting your mom her own blog would cut down on her posts on yours ;)

Thu 04/25/2002 5:13PM e-mail home page

I wouldn't rule anything out.

Fri 04/26/2002 4:40AM e-mail home page

I'm looking forward to talking with Aidan when he is here. I will bet he learns how to say Cleo and Heidi and will learn Minnie when we meet Georgia's dog! Love, Kay

Sun 04/28/2002 9:09PM e-mail home page