Are you ready for a whole mess of pictures?
Aidan pushing, Bella sitting, Althea pulling:

I got Aidan a baseball mitt at the Goodwill store and he loves to play catch:

And some groovy sepia pics - I always forget that I have this effect on my camera and the kids found it pressing buttons.
This looks like Jes reading a book to Aidan & Bella, but she is really trying to read the directions to her digital camera:

And these were taken by Althea, 4 yrs old:

The pics are really good, adde some to my screen saver
am I allowed to comment on how cute our kids are?Aidan with the mott is wicked good!
Has the "hat" become part of his everyday life? I can't wait to play catch with him! Yea, finally some pictures of the inside of the barn which are not the big window!Love, Mom
I don't care what sport he goes pro in just as long as it's baseball, basketball, soccer or football. And it really is pretty rediculous how beautiful the both of them are. Again, baseball, basketball, soccer or football. Thank you! Oh, and hockey is okay too.
The pics are really good, adde some to my screen saver
am I allowed to comment on how cute our kids are?Aidan with the mott is wicked good!
Has the "hat" become part of his everyday life? I can't wait to play catch with him! Yea, finally some pictures of the inside of the barn which are not the big window!Love, Mom
I don't care what sport he goes pro in just as long as it's baseball, basketball, soccer or football. And it really is pretty rediculous how beautiful the both of them are. Again, baseball, basketball, soccer or football. Thank you! Oh, and hockey is okay too.