I found this on Wes this morning. I'm sorry, I just had to share.

Next time put a ruler beside it. I am sure moveing to the country you will have various involvements with nature. Just wait till Wes gets involved with a skunk! Besure he is caught up on his rabis shots.Love, Mom
Next time put a ruler beside it. I am sure moveing to the country you will have various involvements with nature. Just wait till Wes gets involved with a skunk! Besure he is caught up on his rabis shots.Love, Mom
Next time put a ruler beside it. I am sure moveing to the country you will have various involvements with nature. Just wait till Wes gets involved with a skunk! Besure he is caught up on his rabis shots.Love, Mom
"various involvements with nature"I like that! I guess that's why we're here...
"various involvements with nature"I like that! I guess that's why we're here...
"various involvements with nature"I like that! I guess that's why we're here...
AND THAT'S WHY I LIVE IN LOS ANGELES! My involevment with nature is cursing a parking cop for giving me a ticket or giving a bum a quarter.(although I usually keep the quarters for myself.)
AND THAT'S WHY I LIVE IN LOS ANGELES! My involevment with nature is cursing a parking cop for giving me a ticket or giving a bum a quarter.(although I usually keep the quarters for myself.)
AND THAT'S WHY I LIVE IN LOS ANGELES! My involevment with nature is cursing a parking cop for giving me a ticket or giving a bum a quarter.(although I usually keep the quarters for myself.)
Testing the formating instead of thinking any more about that creature in the picture.
Testing the formating instead of thinking any more about that creature in the picture.
Testing the formating instead of thinking any more about that creature in the picture.
hi william!
hi william!
hi william!
And you should have a couple of quart cans of tomato juicehandy just in case.
And you should have a couple of quart cans of tomato juicehandy just in case.
And you should have a couple of quart cans of tomato juicehandy just in case.
Could you please put a new picture up so this particular part of nature does not come up?! Thanks - Love Mom
Could you please put a new picture up so this particular part of nature does not come up?! Thanks - Love Mom
Could you please put a new picture up so this particular part of nature does not come up?! Thanks - Love Mom
Ugh!!! I agree with your Mom on rabies shots for Wes. What are your views on dog vaccines? Love, K
Ugh!!! I agree with your Mom on rabies shots for Wes. What are your views on dog vaccines? Love, K
Ugh!!! I agree with your Mom on rabies shots for Wes. What are your views on dog vaccines? Love, K
He has all of his shots, it's illegal to not have a rabies shot - but I asked the vet about the lyme disease vaccine for dogs and he didn't recommend it. In fact he was cringing talking about it. He said that it causes more problems than it solves and that if you tested a large selection of dogs, a large percentage of them would test positive without being symptomatic. He wasn't even a holistic vet or anything.
He has all of his shots, it's illegal to not have a rabies shot - but I asked the vet about the lyme disease vaccine for dogs and he didn't recommend it. In fact he was cringing talking about it. He said that it causes more problems than it solves and that if you tested a large selection of dogs, a large percentage of them would test positive without being symptomatic. He wasn't even a holistic vet or anything.
He has all of his shots, it's illegal to not have a rabies shot - but I asked the vet about the lyme disease vaccine for dogs and he didn't recommend it. In fact he was cringing talking about it. He said that it causes more problems than it solves and that if you tested a large selection of dogs, a large percentage of them would test positive without being symptomatic. He wasn't even a holistic vet or anything.
this has to be the foulest thing I've ever seen - almost The leeches I took off my legs were bad (i was 10) the memory has faded so im pretty sure this is worse!
this has to be the foulest thing I've ever seen - almost The leeches I took off my legs were bad (i was 10) the memory has faded so im pretty sure this is worse!
this has to be the foulest thing I've ever seen - almost The leeches I took off my legs were bad (i was 10) the memory has faded so im pretty sure this is worse!
Next time put a ruler beside it. I am sure moveing to the country you will have various involvements with nature. Just wait till Wes gets involved with a skunk! Besure he is caught up on his rabis shots.Love, Mom
Next time put a ruler beside it. I am sure moveing to the country you will have various involvements with nature. Just wait till Wes gets involved with a skunk! Besure he is caught up on his rabis shots.Love, Mom
Next time put a ruler beside it. I am sure moveing to the country you will have various involvements with nature. Just wait till Wes gets involved with a skunk! Besure he is caught up on his rabis shots.Love, Mom
"various involvements with nature"I like that! I guess that's why we're here...
"various involvements with nature"I like that! I guess that's why we're here...
"various involvements with nature"I like that! I guess that's why we're here...
AND THAT'S WHY I LIVE IN LOS ANGELES! My involevment with nature is cursing a parking cop for giving me a ticket or giving a bum a quarter.(although I usually keep the quarters for myself.)
AND THAT'S WHY I LIVE IN LOS ANGELES! My involevment with nature is cursing a parking cop for giving me a ticket or giving a bum a quarter.(although I usually keep the quarters for myself.)
AND THAT'S WHY I LIVE IN LOS ANGELES! My involevment with nature is cursing a parking cop for giving me a ticket or giving a bum a quarter.(although I usually keep the quarters for myself.)
Testing the formating instead of thinking any more about that creature in the picture.
Testing the formating instead of thinking any more about that creature in the picture.
Testing the formating instead of thinking any more about that creature in the picture.
hi william!
hi william!
hi william!
And you should have a couple of quart cans of tomato juicehandy just in case.
And you should have a couple of quart cans of tomato juicehandy just in case.
And you should have a couple of quart cans of tomato juicehandy just in case.
Could you please put a new picture up so this particular part of nature does not come up?! Thanks - Love Mom
Could you please put a new picture up so this particular part of nature does not come up?! Thanks - Love Mom
Could you please put a new picture up so this particular part of nature does not come up?! Thanks - Love Mom
Ugh!!! I agree with your Mom on rabies shots for Wes. What are your views on dog vaccines? Love, K
Ugh!!! I agree with your Mom on rabies shots for Wes. What are your views on dog vaccines? Love, K
Ugh!!! I agree with your Mom on rabies shots for Wes. What are your views on dog vaccines? Love, K
He has all of his shots, it's illegal to not have a rabies shot - but I asked the vet about the lyme disease vaccine for dogs and he didn't recommend it. In fact he was cringing talking about it. He said that it causes more problems than it solves and that if you tested a large selection of dogs, a large percentage of them would test positive without being symptomatic. He wasn't even a holistic vet or anything.
He has all of his shots, it's illegal to not have a rabies shot - but I asked the vet about the lyme disease vaccine for dogs and he didn't recommend it. In fact he was cringing talking about it. He said that it causes more problems than it solves and that if you tested a large selection of dogs, a large percentage of them would test positive without being symptomatic. He wasn't even a holistic vet or anything.
He has all of his shots, it's illegal to not have a rabies shot - but I asked the vet about the lyme disease vaccine for dogs and he didn't recommend it. In fact he was cringing talking about it. He said that it causes more problems than it solves and that if you tested a large selection of dogs, a large percentage of them would test positive without being symptomatic. He wasn't even a holistic vet or anything.
this has to be the foulest thing I've ever seen - almost The leeches I took off my legs were bad (i was 10) the memory has faded so im pretty sure this is worse!
this has to be the foulest thing I've ever seen - almost The leeches I took off my legs were bad (i was 10) the memory has faded so im pretty sure this is worse!
this has to be the foulest thing I've ever seen - almost The leeches I took off my legs were bad (i was 10) the memory has faded so im pretty sure this is worse!