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Birthing Large Babies


Somewhere in all of my reading about childbirth before Aidan was born, I came across an anthropological study of Pygmy women, who birth enormous babies compared to the mother's small size. I just did a google search for it and came across this article by Gloria LeMay, which has lots of other goodies in it too. I was trying to find a non-midwife source for the information, but had no luck, just an article from UNICEF saying how tragic it is that the Pygmies don't have doctors to birth their babies. Okay, in all fairness, the article means to address inequities in Congolese society, and childbirth issue is just one of many things mentioned.


then there this...http://www.ican-online.org/news/headlines.htm

Mon 01/19/2004 2:20PM e-mail home page

Gah! That is so horrifying. I am so glad that she prevailed. It illutrates a common assumption: that C-sections are "safe". This woman had a friend who died having a c-section. It is major abdominal surgery.

Tue 01/20/2004 2:30PM e-mail home page

Christy, I just read your previous comments about castor oil... I got my labor started with Blue Cohosh, on my midwife's recommendation. I had already started to dilate a little bit, but hadn't made any other moves in about a week. It worked great - though the baby wasn't down very far and I had to push for a long long time. It doesn't seem like it was as harsh as castor oil though.

Maria Wood
Tue 01/20/2004 6:32PM e-mail home page